⚠️ This is a beta version. Please report any issues or request new tutorial by opening an issue on the GitHub repository. ⚠️

The Cadenza codebase#

This tutorial walks you through the process of installing the Clarity/Cadenza Python package.

Download and install the Clarity/Cadenza Python package#

Clarity and Cadenza challenges tools can be found at the Clarity GitHub website. The tools are available as a Python package and can be installed using pip.


Tag policy#

The Clarity/Cadenza package is versioned using tags. The tag policy is as follows:

  • The main branch is the development branch. This branch contains the latest version of the code

  • Each tag corresponds to a specific challenge.


Tag Version







To work with the Clarity/Cadenza projects, we recommend to create a clean Python environment.

You can create a new environment using conda as:

print("Creating the environment...")
conda create --quiet --yes -n clarity python=3.10

print("Activating the environment...")
conda activate clarity

print("Cloning git repo...")
git clone --quiet https://github.com/claritychallenge/clarity.git

This will install the last version of PyClarity. To install a tagged version, for example, v0.6.1, you can clone the repository as:

git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.6.1 https://github.com/claritychallenge/clarity.git

This will have made a directory called clarity storing the repository code. Now we can install the Clarity tools.

print("Changing directory...")
cd clarity

print("Installing Clarity tools")
pip install -e .

🎉 Congratulations!!! 🎉 Now you are ready to start working on Cadenza challenges.