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The 2nd Cadenza Challenge Results

The 2nd Cadenza Challenge is now complete. Below, you can find the results for each task. These tasks focused on improving music accessibility for individuals with hearing loss. We thank all participants for their valuable contributions and efforts.

Explore the detailed results per task to learn more about the top solutions and their performance.

Task 1: Improving Lyrics Intelligibility

The table below reports:

  1. Score: HAAQI and Correctness weighted using alpha
  2. HAAQI: Average HAAQI of left and right ear
  3. Corr.: Percentage of correct transcribed words in better ear.
  4. Score LP: BAQ and Intell LP weighted using alpha
  5. BAQ: Audio quality given by listener panel
  6. Intell LP: Intelligibility score given by listener panel

TeamSystemScoreHAAQICorr.Score LPBAQIntell LP
BaselineBaseline - Causal0.65920.68650.5036000
T002T002 - Causal0.66570.70970.5104000
T018T018 - Causal0.50720.49760.4269000
BaselineBaseline - NonCausal0.67870.69790.5222000
T002T002 - NonCausal0.68590.72020.5318000
T003T003 - NonCausal0.71030.69880.5638000
T008T008 - NonCausal0.3890.48390.3049000
T018T018 - NonCausal0.67560.68720.5299000
T025T025 - NonCausal0.65110.85070.4543000
T004T004 - NonCausal0.49350.53450.4505000
T026T026 - NonCausal0.4510.50850.3153000

Task 2: Rebalancing Classical Music

The table below reports:

  1. HAAQI: Average HAAQI of left and right ear

BaselineBaseline - Causal0.3265
T002T002 - Causal0.358
BaselineBaseline - NonCausal0.3548
T002T002 - NonCausal0.3786
T013T013 - NonCausal0.3491
T019T019 - NonCausal0.3584
T040T040 - NonCausal0.3647